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      NEW HIGH VISIBILITY PORTHOLES for SI and VV semi-insulating doors

      New high visibility portholes for Incold's semi-insulating doors with widths from 700 mm for increased visibility and safety in areas of high pedestrian traffic.

      What's new:

      • Off-centre position: more visibility from the opening side of the door  
      • Larger dimensions for doors L>900 to increase safety

      The new portholes will be installed on door models starting at L700mm:

      • semi-insulating office-type (SI);
      • semi-insulating swinging-type (VV and UNIKA TSD)
      • for L < 900: 642x270 mm
      • for L ≥ 900: 642x510 mm

      For semi-insulating doors with a net passage width of 600 mm or less, the position and size of the porthole remain unchanged.


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