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    Incold rapid doors: design and functionality

    Thanks to the unique keypad integrated on the upright, the door can be controlled and programmed without extra space need on the sides, because Incold electronic board is housed on the motor. Incold rapid doors are fully pre-wired to allow quick and easy installation. Ask for a quick quote!

    fold gialla
    ZIP: sliding on zip, self-repairing, with PVC zips
    ZIP: sliding on zip, self-repairing, with PVC zips
    ZIP ISO 7: sliding on zip, with 7 mm thick fabric
    ZIP ISO 7: sliding on zip, with 7 mm thick fabric
    ZIP K: sliding on zip with motor housed inside the winding tube
    ZIP K: sliding on zip with motor housed inside the winding tube
    GLIDE: free-flowing, self-repairing
    GLIDE: free-flowing, self-repairing
    GLIDE K: free-flowing, with motor housed inside the winding tube
    GLIDE K: free-flowing, with motor housed inside the winding tube
    PURA K-IX: for clean rooms
    PURA K-IX: for clean rooms
    FREEZER 1: for low temperatures
    FREEZER 1: for low temperatures
    FREEZER 2: for low temperatures with double fabric and air blower
    FREEZER 2: for low temperatures with double fabric and air blower
    FOLD: fold-up doors
    FOLD: fold-up doors
    SZ: sectional doors
    SZ: sectional doors