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Insulations for areas requiring special projects
Some sectors, such as baking or pasteurization, require special projects to meet specific needs.
We are ready to take on any challenge, with suitable materials and a wealth of experience to best support you in preparing your product!

Blast chilling and freezing
Insulation for blast chillers and freezers
To curb bacterial proliferation, an excellent condensing unit on an equally adequate high-intensity injected polyurethane structure is needed to provide insulation.
With our cells suitable for use as blast chillers or freezers, available totally in stainless steel (including ramp), we are the ideal partners for all our customers in the refrigeration world.

Insulations for pasteurization spirals.
The heating phase during pasteurization is critical. Spiral pasteurization plants use convection heating ensuring homogeneous and high quality results for any type of packaged product. This is made possible by the use of Incold insulated cells, to allow products to be brought to the right temperatures at the prescribed times and differentiated based on specific requirements.
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